On this page, you can find all the contact information about information on government agencies and services in South Central Pennsylvania located in Mifflin County. Addresses, phone numbers, and links to the websites of these government agencies. Contact one of these government agencies today to get the help you need.
Lewistown Borough
2 East Third Street
Lewistown, PA 17044
Phone: (717) 248-1361
Fax: (717) 248-0794
McVeytown Borough
10 North Queen Street
McVeytown, PA 17051
Phone: (717) 899-6323
Brown Township
22 Brown Township Drive
Reedsville, PA 17084
Phone: (717) 667-2531
Union Township
151 Township Drive
Uniontown, PA 15401
Phone: (724) 438-5480
Fax: (724) 438-5598
Wayne Township
1652 Powell’s Valley Road
Halifax, PA 17032
Phone: (717) 362-3505
Fax: (717) 362-4388