On this page, you can find all the contact information about information on government agencies and services in South Central Pennsylvania located in Huntingdon County. Addresses, phone numbers, and links to the websites of these government agencies. Contact one of these government agencies today to get the help you need.
Alexandria Borough
P. O. Box 291
Alexandria, PA 16611
Phone: (814) 669-9478
Birmingham Township
1040 West Street Road
West Chester, PA 19382
Phone: (610) 793-2600
Fax: (610) 793-3417
Cassville Borough
P. O. Box 215
Cassville PA 16623
Dudley Borough
P. O. Box 295
Dudley PA 16634
Phone: (814) 635‑3372
Borough of Huntingdon
530 Washington Street
Huntingdon PA, 16652
Phone: (814) 643-3966
Fax: (814) 643-2644
Shade Gap Borough
P. O. Box 65
Shade Gap PA 17255
Phone: (814) 259‑3459
Shirleysburg Borough
15858 West Street
Shirleysburg PA 17620
Phone: (814) 447‑3524
Three Springs Borough
P. O. Box 361
Three Springs PA 17264
Phone: (814) 448-2105
Brady Township
141 West Liberty Road
Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania 16057
Phone: (724) 738-1588
Carbon Township
333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126-0333
Phone: (717) 346-9903
Fax: (717) 425-5343
Cass Township
1209 Valley Road
Pottsville, PA 17901-8809
Phone: (570) 544-5370
Fax: (570) 544-3158
Jackson Township
13233 Greenwood Road
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: (814) 667-2992
Juniata Township
6208 Parks Road
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: (814) 644-8312
Oneida Township
9784 Standing Stone Road
Huntingdon, PA 16652
Phone: (814) 643-3116
Fax: (814) 643-0524
Porter Township
304 Peach Orchard Road
Mill Hall, PA 17751
Phone: (570) 726-6733
Smithfield Township
1155 Red Fox Road
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Phone: (570) 223-5082
Fax: (570) 223-5086
Springfield Township
22689 Wible Reunion Road
Three Springs, PA 17264
Phone: (814) 448-2100
Todd Township
6688 Old Plank Road
Broad Top, PA 16621
Phone: (814) 448-2433
Fax: (814) 448-2318
Wood Township
Spring Street
Robertsdale, PA 16674
Phone: (814) 635‑2440